On Patrol With the PPD--September 25, 2020 (We won something and school started)

September 25, 2020 00:59:02
On Patrol With the PPD--September 25, 2020 (We won something and school started)
On Patrol with The PPD
On Patrol With the PPD--September 25, 2020 (We won something and school started)

Sep 25 2020 | 00:59:02


Show Notes

Officer Derby brought his partner, Officer Benner to chat with the LT. They talk about returning to school, school checks during remote learning, GBPD's new therapy dog and our friends Officer Donut and Officer Clarence from Greenfield. Plus, the LT provides a short COVID update. Oh...and we won a programming excellence award from WTBR and PCTV for this program.

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